Outreach Children Services

What we do

Community Junction Outreach Children Services provide high quality early childhood education and care to community organisations so they are able to support families. We travel into the community to provide our mobile childcare and supply toys and equipment needed for each session. The service operates throughout the local government area and surrounding suburbs, and services are provided to not for profit organisations.  

If you require our mobile service, please complete the attached application form.

Our service provides mobile entry childcare sessions to community groups.  We provide care for under school age children while parents are attending support programs on the same premises. 


Parent sessions are a hands on experience for parents or carers to foster and inspire families and communities to promote a life long love of learning for children, from their early years and into formal education.  Topics include early literacy, numeracy, play based learning, healthy eating, motor development and preschool readiness.

Links to early childhood providers and the Early Years Learning Framework will support and drive our interest based programs that will be planned according to child / group development and interest.  Child observations and reflective practice will ensure high quality care and appropriate experiences for each child.  The service can provide children and families within the school readiness program the opportunity to create connections for transition with early childhood educators at Outreach Parent Sessions.